The Oxford Area Historical Association is here for you and because of you.
As a nonprofit organization, the Oxford Area Historical Association relies on the generosity of our friends and supporters to make this work possible. OAHA excels at doing a lot with a little, and we are able to do that because of the extraordinary support we receive from the community. Between gifts, grants, and program support, a full 99% of our funding comes directly from people in our local area. OAHA exists because of you.
Annual Giving Program – Friends of OAHA
Your gift will make a difference as OAHA strives to inspire the next generation to become stewards of our stories and proudly take the lead in preserving our local history. We appreciate your generosity and continued support. Names of all supporters – individual, corporate and organizational – will be listed in OAHA’s annual report as Friends of OAHA unless you specifically ask to remain anonymous.
OMG! OAHA’s Monthly Giving Program
OMG stands for a Once a Month Giver. With so much uncertainty in the world today, your monthly support will allow OAHA to continue our mission of preserving and promoting the historical significance of the Oxford area, educating the community on historical interests, and encouraging the economic vitality of the Oxford area through historic preservation. Even $5 or $10 a month could make a significant difference.
Benefits of being an OMG Supporter
- Simple and convenient: Once you are set up to be a monthly giver, each month your credit card or bank account will be processed for your specified amount. Monthly giving alleviates the hassle of mailing checks or making numerous gifts online.
- Flexible: You can change any aspect of your recurring gift at any time.
- Environmentally friendly: No envelopes, no paper, no postage, no checks: just a one-time, easy and secure setup online
- Impactful: When you give monthly, your gift, over time, makes a big, steady impact to benefit the preservation of the history of the Oxford area. You are committing to making a difference by helping with OAHA’s vision of “building a shared community legacy for the future by preserving our past.”
The Crossroads Society – Leaving a Legacy for OAHA
The Crossroads Society recognizes those friends who have chosen to honor OAHA with a planned or deferred gift. By creating a personal legacy, you also create a lasting legacy for OAHA. Your gift through your estate plan, large or small, is critical to OAHA’s future survival. We would like to recognize you as a member the Crossroads Society, unless you prefer anonymity. If you have already remembered OAHA in your estate plans, please let us know so we can thank you and make a plan to fulfill your wishes at the time the gift is realized.
OAHA uses estate gifts to support preservation and education priorities at the time the gift is realized unless otherwise specified by the donor. If you would like your gift to be used to support a specific program, please contact us to ensure your wishes will be met.
Charitable Bequests
While there are many ways to plan for the future of your assets, charitable bequests are one of the easiest ways you can leave a lasting impact on OAHA. A bequest gift may be made in your will or trust directing a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate. All charitable bequests to our organization are deducted in full from the value of your estate in the calculation of estate taxes, which can significantly lessen the burden of estate taxes on your family.
Sample Language
If you wish to name the Oxford Area Historical Association in your estate plans or name us as a beneficiary of your retirement accounts or life insurance, please name us as follows:
“I, [name], of [city, state, ZIP] give, devise, and bequeath to the Oxford Area Historical Association, a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation located in Oxford PA, [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property].”
OAHA’s tax identification number is: 23-3045756
Shown above is the Market Street entrance to the Oxford Hotel. An American flag draped over an automobile in the background may indicate a holiday parade or celebration – perhaps the Fourth of July. (Circa 1915)
Our Capital Campaign
Please download our Capital Campaign brochure to read how you can help the Oxford Area Historical Association honor the past, celebrate the present, and shape the future.
The official registration and financial information of OAHA may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
Make a donation.
99% of our funding comes from people in our local area.